Hexham Elvaston Bowling Club
Results for the 2024 season
Knock-out Competitions
Armstrong Cup (Opening Day Jumbles):
Winner: Michael Slade Runners-up: Bob Horton and Keith Woods
Men's 4-wood:
Winner Overstone Cup: Keith Sanders
Runner-up J Anderson Cup: John Lambert
Men's 2-wood: Winner D Cup: Keith Sanders
Runner-up Phipps-Turner Trophy: Joe Dobson*
Men's Pairs:
Winners Harry Kitchen Cup: Keith Sanders and Michael Slade
Runners-up: Barrie Dowdeswell and Bob Horton
Ladies' 2-wood: Winner Clarkson Trophy: Shelagh Carter
Runner-up Eva Matheson Bowl: Christina Auld
Ladies' 4-wood:
Winner Hexham Elvaston Ladies' Cup: Shelagh Carter
Runner-up Turner Trophy: Marian Fairless
Ladies' Pairs:
Winners Elsie Bennett Cup: Shelagh Carter and Brenda James
Runners-up: Suzanne Philips and Gillian James
Mixed Pairs:
Winners Jim Woodward Cup: Barrie Dowdeswell and Margaret Dowdeswell
Runners-up Joan Clarkson Trophy: Steve Benson and Gillian James
Mixed Handicap Competition: Not played this season
Winner R Mewse Cup: Runner-up:
Inch Trophy: Winner: Mike Pearce Runner-up: Joe Dobson*
Glenwright Shield singles competition for first round losers:
Winner: Linda Taylor Runner-up: Norman Lees
Norma Fazakerley Trophy:
Winners: Shelagh Carter, Julie Sinclair and Jean Thompson*
Runners-up: Christina Auld, Fiona Slade and Vera Davies
George Glenwright Trophy:
Winner: Mark Terry Runner-up: Brian Norman
Queens Cup: Winners: Susan Macdonald, Ed Clarke and Linda Taylor
Jackie James Pairs: Winners: John Lambert and Ken Hurst
Runners-up: Suzanne Phillips and Phil Hood
Ambrose Hunter Triples:
Winners: Brian Elstob, Fiona Slade and Betty Boaden
Runners-up: John Lambert, Julie Sinclair and Michael Slade
President's Cup (Monday Shield):
Winners: David Robertson, Joe Dobson* and John Lambert
Runners-up: Fiona Slade, Barrie Dowdeswell and David Boaden
Season's Scores
Peter Common Cup: (Best 8 scores in Shield, Jumbles and Mixed Friendlies) Winner: Brian Elstob Runner-up: Michael Slade
Sherriff Trophy: (best 8 scores in Saturday Jumbles)
Winner: Brian Elstob Runner-up: Barrie Dowdeswell
Members with a * against their name are in their first year of club membership
Member of the Year
Ken Hurst Trophy
Michael Slade
(This trophy is awarded to recognise outstanding service to the club and is not dependent on winning trophies or competitions.)
Club president Pat Sheedy presenting Ed Clarke, Linda Taylor & Susan Macdonald with the Queen's Cup
Results for the 2023 season
Knock-out Competitions
Armstrong Cup (Opening Day Jumbles):
Winner: Shelagh Carter Runners-up: Michael Slade and Brian Elstob
Men's 4-wood: Winner Overstone Cup: David Boaden
Runner-up J Anderson Cup: Brian Elstob
Men's 2-wood: Winner D Cup: Keith Woods
Runner-up Phipps-Turner Trophy: Michael Slade
Men's Pairs: Winners Harry Kitchen Cup: David Boaden and Keith Woods
Runners-up: Brian Norman and Keith Sanders
Ladies' 2-wood: Winner Eva Matheson Bowl: Suzanne Phillips
Runner-up: Shelagh Carter
Ladies' 4-wood: Winner Hexham Elvaston Ladies' Cup: Shelagh Carter
Runner-up Turner Trophy: Marian Fairless
Ladies' Pairs: Winners Elsie Bennett cups: Shelagh Carter & Suzanne Phillips
Runners-up: Marian Fairless & Trish Wall
Mixed Pairs: Winners Jim Woodward Cup: Brenda James & John Lambert
Runners-up Joan Clarkson Trophy: Sarah Bowen & Brian Elstob
Mixed Handicap Competition: Winner R Mewse Cup: No result
Inch Trophy: Winner: Terry Boon Runner-up: Sarah Bowen
Glenwright Shield competition held for first round losers:
Winner: Michael Slade Runner-up: Terry Boon
Norma Fazakerley Trophy:
Winners: Marian Fairless, Fiona Slade* and Christina Auld
George Glenwright Trophy: Winner: Steve Benson Runner-up: Mark Terry
Queens Cup:
Winners: Betty Boaden, Brian Elstob and Marian Fairless
Jackie James Pairs: Winners: Mike Pearce and Keith Woods
Runners-up: Michael Slade and Trish Wall
Ambrose Hunter Triples:
Winners: Ken Hurst, Michael Slade & James Mathie
Runners-up: Keith Woods, Terry Boon & Barrie Dowdeswell*
President's Cup (Monday Shield):
Winners: James Mathie, Terry Boon and Mark Terry
Runners-up: Norman Lees, John Lambert and Brian Elstob
Season's Scores
Peter Common Cup: (Best 8 scores in Shield, Jumbles and Mixed Friendlies) Winner: Terry Boon Runner-up: Barrie Dowdeswell*
Sherriff Trophy: (best 8 scores in Saturday Jumbles)
Winner: Barrie Dowdeswell* Runner-up: Michael Slade
Members with a * against their name are in their first year of club membership
Member of the Year
Ken Hurst Trophy
Jean Allen
(This trophy is awarded to recognise outstanding service to the club and is not dependent on winning trophies or competitions.)
Mike Pearce and Keith Woods holding the plate awarded for winning the Jackie James Pairs tournament. Presented by Ken Hurst
Betty Boaden, Brian Elstob and Marian Fairless are presented with the Queens Cup by club president Ken Hurst

Michael Slade, Ken Hurst and James Mathie are presented with the Ambrose Hunter triples trophy by club chairman Keith Woods (left)